
The Jungleland Tribe skated many places and visited many other haunts. We've also made new friends from neighboring tribes both in the past and present. As a tribute to these legendary skate spots, we have made some special pages in their dedication. Additionally, many of the OG Tribe members skated many spots other than Jungleland. We have posted these collections here as well.

Aloha Skatetown
One of the decent parks near Jungleland back in the day.

The Santa Barbara Tea Bowls
A Ripping Neighboring Tribe.

Holt - Early Years
OG Tribe member Steve Holt in his younger days,
skating places other than Jungleland.

Colin Shumate - Early Years
Colin Shumate in his younger years on ramps, pools and parks

Vintage "YoungKook"
OG Tribe member Frank Still (OldKook) in his younger days, skating places other than Jungleland.

Larry Martin - Early Years
Larry Martin (also a JL Visiting Skater back in the day) in his younger days, skating some wild Ramps and Ditches in Ventura County.